Sunday, November 29, 2009

IE Search bar keeps vanishing?

My internet explorer search bar keeps vanishing for

several days. This time it has been gone for two weeks.

I can't find out anything in the help topics. I use

win xp. IE 6.0

What is going on?

IE Search bar keeps vanishing?windows xp home

If you are using IE (and really, why haven't you switched to Mozilla Firefox?) and you don't have a Yahoo toolbar, then go to Internet Options, go to Contents tab, Click on Autocomplete and Clear Forms.

If you have Mozilla (congrats, you have a safer and more stable browser), just go to Tools/Options/Privacy/Saved Forms and clear forms.

IE & Firefox, HTML Hell! Please help!?

I have noticed that IE and Firefox both display a webpage differently, espicaly when it comes to java scripts. is there a site out that anybody knows of that will display sample java script code for both browsers?

Better yet, does anybody know of any sites that sample code compatible for both browsers?

IE %26amp; Firefox, HTML Hell! Please help!?windows 98

I'd say you just need to go find a good resource for learning Javascript so you can learn the differences. Another option would be to use a Javascript library such as Prototype, jQuery, or Yahoo's own YUI. These solve the cross-browser problem but also make coding easier.

IE %26amp; Firefox, HTML Hell! Please help!?microsoft support internet explorer

There is really no getting around installing Firefox, Mozilla, and IE, at least, and testing every page and every change on all three.

Yes, there are web sites that will test your code. I don't know how accurately any of them are at testing your Javascript. Sorry, but I no longer have links to them.
This is a typical cross browser compatibility issue. What is the error that you are looking at?

Any specific JavaScript or HTML rendering DIV capabilities?

IE Defender?

Help! I have some spyware on my PC called IE Defender and there's also some trojan horse thing! Please tell me a good anti-spyware thing to protect me from it! Oh and by the way, it got past Norton!

IE Defender?windows firewall

IEDefender is a rogue anti-spyware application that displays exaggerated security alerts difficult to close in an attempt to trick you into purchasing the full IEDefender version.

Your web browser is hijacked and will display a fake error message in order to confuse you into believing it鈥檚 coming from the search engine itself. IE Defender error message states that you鈥檙e infected with spyware and that you need to download IEDefender to solve your problem. This is not true. IE Defender is trying to trick you into purchasing the full version of the product. Remove IEDefender as soon as possible. In the link I'm providing, you may read all about IEDefender and the instructions to remove this rogue anti-spyware.good luck.


IE Defender?microsoft frontpage internet explorerThis is the best advice!! It did it yesterday and it worked like a charm. Great stuff!! Report It

This will remove IE defender, free.
IEDefender is an extremely dangerous rogue software created by programmers from Russia. It may be installed manually (from or using security holes. Once the IEDefender is installed, it will start showing fake security messages that your system is in danger and will trick you into buying its full version. IEDefender may steal your secret information (passwords, credit card numbers, PayPal accounts). IEDefenders work may damage Windows registry and cause system slowdowns and crashes. It may be difficult to remove IEDefender manually because it loads on every Windows startup and has an ability to renew itself if you try to remove it.


here are manual removal instructions
I had the same problem a week ago.

What G4Acre is saying is correct

I did it...cleaned my whole computer....and downloaded FireFox for my browser.

MAKE sure you do it in safemode

its not going to work if you don't

Have fun!

IE 7 - Certain Sites Not Working?

I recently downloaded IE 7 and I've noticed some of my favourite sites no longer show properly.

That is one of the few that do not show.

How can I sort this problem?


IE 7 - Certain Sites Not Working?microsoft net framework

Get rid of IE use Firefox instead. Firefox loads this page on my road runner in less than 2 sec!

IE 7 - Certain Sites Not Working?windows xp themes internet explorer

This might be trying to protect your computer. If might not let you go on some "questionably un-secure" sights. This is to prvent phishing, viruses, trojan highjackers, etc.
you're right, the site you provided us with doesn't work with IE 7.0 but real fine with FireFox 2.0

so dump IE 7.0 and switch to firefox!!!

no just kidding, you have to keep IE 7.0 even if it stinks.

My piece of advice : use firefox everytime you can and IE 7.0 only when you can't do otherwise (ie microsoft updates need IE 7.0 or websites with activeX require IE ... but there are getting fewer and fewer)

IE 7 issues with Windows XP security issues published 02/12/2007?

My computer auto-installed the Windows XP security updates that were published on 02/12/2007. Now Internet Explorer 7 does not work, showing me the "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message. I am fully connected to the internet so that is not the problem. Any suggestions on how to fix my problem with IE 7?

Here are the updates that were installed:

Security Update for Windows XP (KB928255)

Update for Windows XP (KB931936)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB924667)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB928843)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB927779)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB927802)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB918118)

Security Update for Windows XP (KB926436)


IE 7 issues with Windows XP security issues published 02/12/2007?windows vista ultimate

All of those Updates are ligitimate updates. They are not causing your problem.

Try cleaning your Browsers Cache by deleting the Cookies, Temp Files and History in Internet Options.

IE 7 issues with Windows XP security issues published 02/12/2007?default browser internet explorer

I honestly don't know if this will fix it, but take a look at your Content Advisor. If it is on, turn it off.

You can find your Content Advisor settings by going to Tools %26gt;%26gt; Internet Options %26gt;%26gt; Content.

If it is currently enabled, disable it and try browsing again.
check your start up group . under tabs .it may have went to original default .
I have an almost identical problem. I installed the same 8 UPDATES but one is KB 931836 instead of 931936.Also my updates showed 2 additonal ones that you did not mention. KB 928090 and 890830. I did a system restore back to Feb 5th and now all is ok . I am afraid to reinstall them. Did any of the suggestions posted here work ?



If i download IE 7 does it automatically become the default browser?....see details?

I am wondering if i have the option to keep IE 6 as my default browser and still be able to use IE 7.This is my girlfriends computer and she hates change whether it betters something or not.Thanks for any help.

If i download IE 7 does it automatically become the default browser?....see details?uninstall internet explorer

Sorry you cannot use both. Best to keep 7 tho.


If i download IE 7 does it automatically become the default browser?....see details? internet explorer

IE 7 will replace IE 6. Just like any other software. the old one will be replaced by newer version.
Why upgrade to IE7 if your not going to use it?
Yeah, once you install IE7 it overwrites IE6. You can try FireFox and change the settings to keep IE6 the default browser.
IE6 will be replaced with IE7... I personally like IE7 better...
YES, IE7 does take over the IE6 and NO you cannot have both browsers on the same computer at the same time. However, The IE7 is an update of the EI6 and if you don't like IE7 you can always go back to the IE6 by removing the IE7. You can do that by going to add/remove programs on your control panel.

Hope this helps.
Please, please upgrade your browser to one that renders code correctly. Us website designers are sick of having to break our sites' code just so that people sitll using IE6 can get away without upgrading.

I'd recommend FireFox over IE7, but either way, please, please don't stay on IE6. The longer you use it, the longer it'll take before we're able to use the cool stuff like 24-bit PNG transparency that all the other browsers support.
No, when you install IE7, it basically upgrades 6 to 7, and you will no longer have access to v.6.x unless you uninstall v.7.x. If you require further assistance, please contact us through our website at

IE 7 - How do you refresh a page?

I just had my computer updated from IE 6 to 7. I am on my yahoo home page and I can't find where you can refresh your page. Anyone know how to do that. It seems as though there are less options with 7 than 6.

IE 7 - How do you refresh a page?windows vista

Up by the address bar click on the Two green arrows.

Or press "F5"

IE 7 - How do you refresh a page?windows defender internet explorer

Press the f5 key.
Press f5
Right-click, then "Refresh".
hit f5.
right on refresh

Ie -firefox-msn whatbetter?

I HAVE IE 7 %26amp;VISTA

Ie -firefox-msn whatbetter?microsoft net

I used IE for 12 years and never going back Firefox is a lot better. If you ever find a website that won't load properly on Firefox you can install IE Tabs.

IE Properties-Programs-CALENDAR info is missing and will not let me input anything. Help??

My computer crashed and I had to reload from my recovery disk. In IE the Calendar info is missing and I keep getting a msg telling me that, but no info on how to fix it.

IE Properties-Programs-CALENDAR info is missing and will not let me input anything. Help??microsoft zune

Are you getting a " Missing .DLL error message when trying to run calendar after Windows XP installation ? This is a possible solution.

- Copy the following files from " M\CALENDAR " to " C\CALENDAR "

(1) - CALRES32.DLL (2) - MFC30.DLL (3) - MFCAN32.DLL

(4) - MFCO30.DLL (5) - MFCUIA32.DLL

Or, failing that, try running " Calendar set-up program" again. If the Calendar still won't open, run the Internet Explorer set-up program again to install missing files. That's all I can come up with. I hope you get your problem resolved.

Comment revenir a IE 6?

Windows update m'a install茅 IE 7 et je n'aime pas du tout cette version. Je voudrai revenir a IE 6, comment est-ce possible?

Merci d'avance

Comment revenir a IE 6?windows mail


This will revert your system back to IE-6.0

Comment revenir a IE 6?microsoft maps internet explorer

C'est possible. Pour obtenir IE 6, employez ce lien et serrez le t茅l茅chargement.

how is my french?
Aller 脿 l'ajouter/enlever le panneau de commande de programmes, 锚tre s?r de v茅rifier la ? exposition met 脿 jour ? la bo?te, et la b锚ta volont茅 d'IE 7 apparaissent comme mise 脿 jour finale de Windows. Uninstall il en cliquant l脿-dessus, puis sur le bouton. Vous revoyez quelques messages que vos arrangements sont chang茅s, et par la suite vous devez remettre en marche votre ordinateur. Quand cela est fait vous avez votre vieux dos d'IE 6.


Go to the Add/Remove Programs control panel, be sure to check 'Show updates' box, and the IE 7 beta will appear as the final Windows update.

Uninstall it by clicking on it, then on the button. Again you see a few messages that your settings are being changed, and eventually you have to restart your computer. When that's done you have your old IE 6 back.

Can i download IE for window 98 and install without internet connection ?

can i download IE for window 98 and install without internet connection ? i don't have internet connection at home, i download it at office .i just need it(IE) to install my printer driver, not to explore internet .

Can i download IE for window 98 and install without internet connection ?windows mobile

IE 6 is on you windows 98 disk

your printer comes with a driver disk use that

or do you mean you downloaded the printer driver on your works pc and want to transfer it to a disk /floppy or usb pen drive

then yes you can

Can i download IE for window 98 and install without internet connection ? internet explorer

You can download with Cd....... Pls try
yes just buy cd tht have this option
IE is an integral part of windows and cannot be downloaded separately. An internet connect is required to open it.
If you have windows 98 disk it is on there. You can install it there is no need to be on internet. install and do not set up and work off line.
Without the internet the ONLY way you can install anything is on disk.

Should I remove IE 7 and use an older version an older Mozilla to speed up my slow internet?

Version 7 of IE uses way to much memory for my slow computer.

I want to know if it is unsafe to use an older version of IE or Mozilla. All I want is the tab feature, but IE7 is very slow for some reason.

Should I remove IE 7 and use an older version an older Mozilla to speed up my slow internet?windows xp professional

FireFox is SO much faster than IE anyways.


Go with Mozilla.

Should I remove IE 7 and use an older version an older Mozilla to speed up my slow internet?windows xp home internet explorer

Absolutely. :) Using Internet Explorer at all is generally not a good idea anyway, for several reasons.
You cannot increase your sloww internet connection by simply degrading your softwares. You have to use advanced browsers for a quicker web access. The reason for your slower speed may be that since you installed it there is nothing in the cache memory. Use it for sometime and you will feel the difference.

Or try Firefox or Opera before uninstalling IE7.
I use Firefox as my default browser, but I did not remove IE7 (I don't think you can anyway).

Sometimes I find things online that FF can't handle, so I can still use IE7 in those cases.

I don't see a lot of difference in speed- must be something in your settings, or maybe memory is not enough?
If your running Windows Vista, you can't remove IE 7. But if your running XP or older...

Run some spyware scans, make sure nothing is bogging your computer down; also check "tools -%26gt; manage Add-ons". Too many plug-in's such as toolbars can slow your browser down. The reason your IE is slow, is most likely because of the built in "Phishing filter", make sure that's disabled. If you have Norton, they also install this phishing filter thing on your IE, disable those any other plug-ins that you don't use. The only time IE was slow for me was when I had a internet TV toolbar, after I disabled it, IE was smooth.

You don't have to read the rest, but it explains why I think IE is faster.

From my experience, IE is actually a bit faster than Firefox. If you do use Firefox, I think you'll find that it uses more memory than IE running the same content (check by using your Task Manager, accessed from ctrl+alt+del).

IE is a bit faster, particularly because of the pre-fetech feature. I'm not sure if Windows still does this, Windows has in the past used a feature called Pre-fetch to partially start certain programs such as IE and Media Player even before you manually chose to start them, so they'll start faster and etc, so that's why IE is a bit faster.

Now if you only want the tab feature, I believe our very own Yahoo has a toolbar or plug-in for IE 6 that adds the tab feature. So you might want to downgrade back to IE 6, and then get the Yahoo toolbar.
I don't have a problem with IE7.

Your problem may lie elsewhere. Maybe some housecleaning is in order:

1. Set wallpaper and screensavers to blank or none 鈥?they run continuously in the background and use memory.

2. Review your start menu 鈥?remove anything you don鈥檛 need on a daily basis 鈥?load games, etc. on an as-needed basis.

3. From Internet Explorer, sign out 鈥?then click Tools, Internet Options: delete cookies, delete files (offline), and clear history. (You can also set days to store history to 0.)

----- These actions will clear your computer鈥檚 cache. (For a description of cache, go to )

4. Run Disk Cleanup, Scandisk, Defrag at least every two weeks (the more frequently they are run, the less time they take).

5. Periodically, click Start, Programs, Run 鈥?they type ipconfig renew

(that鈥檚 ipconfig space renew).

6. This will show you how to optimize your PC鈥檚 performance.

These things should increase speed and free up memory as much as possible.


IE & firefox...?

can i have IE %26amp; firefox in the same computer? or i need to uninstall one of them, and which one is better, what are the advantages of each one...

IE %26amp; firefox...?ies

You can have several browsers on your computer at one time and they will run just fine.

According to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team you should not use IE:

"There are a number of significant vulnerabilities in technologies related to the IE domain/zone...It is possible to reduce exposure to these vulnerabilities by using a different web browser"

IE uses Active X, here is what Microsoft says about it:

"An ActiveX control can be an extremely insecure way to provide a feature...From the moment a user downloads an ActiveX control, the control may be vulnerable to attack"

(Firefox by default doesn't have Active X at all)

For years IE has had a hole in it that they have never bothered to fix; with this hole many people had had their ID stolen:

No browser is perfect; just keep in mind that IE has the worst record of them all. Here is IE, Firefox and Opera side by side:

One for the road

IE supports webstandards very badly, here is a test you can take to see what I'm talking about:

IE %26amp; firefox...?windows update internet explorer

yes u can have ..u have Internet Explorer by default ..but if u want to download Firefox for faster browsing then go to ..Mozilla Firefox is free there. .
You can have both. You can even have Opera as well. I prefer Firefox because it seems to be faster, and I find the interface easier. But different people have different preferences.
Yes you can have both installed. I prefer firefox simply because it is not microsoft.
Yes you can. Nothing will happen if you have both installed (like I do).

The fact is, whichever browser you use is a personal choice. I personally like Mozilla Firefox better for several reasons. I only keep Internet Explorer installed because there are several websites that are only compatible with IE, such as Windows Update.
You can have as many browsers as you want on your computer! ( I have 3 right now ).

And guess what?... you can have 2 or 3 opened at the same time, (even 2 or 3 of the same one!).

Firefox is touted as being a safer browser than IE, as far as viruses go!
u can have as many browsers as u want on the same computer

i prefer IE, cos almost all websites are constructed on IE, that would be no problem browsing any..
If you have enough space in your garage, do you have to uninstall your porsche to park your ferrari?. You can have as many cars in your garage as much space you have!, with the time you will like one more than the other, but you have not to get rid of any of them.
There is no restriction on the number of browsers your computer is installed with. Although, I have both IE and Firefox reside on my computer, I prefer to use IE as it seems to be better than Firefox as IE displays the images properly.

Yes, you can both of them or any other like internet browser like Netscape, but with Firefox why do you want any other browser.
I have both installed at this very moment :D.

Firefox supposedly is safer. Lots of people use IE, which also means lots of viruses are targeted for IE.

Firefox enables me to download and open zip files (I don't have Winzip) and has a neat and tidy download window that pops up when ever you download something.

The new versions of both browsers have a Tab feature, which I really love, but in IE sometimes pop ups are brought up in a new window (which is annoying), whereas in Firefox it always comes up as a new tab (at least, that's how it is for mine).

Since IE use is more widespread, some websites might not work in Firefox, but you can always open IE real quick to browse the site.

Overall, I like Firefox better ^^..
Ya you can have them both on the same PC. It depends on which one is better. I have an older PC and IE runs better on it but on my newer PC with Xp Foxfire runs a lot better.
U can have both of them together.From my point of view firefox is better since it blocks pop-up's efficiently.But if you want to get a fascinating surfing experience if prefer you to install Opera 9.10 which has a handfull of features.You can download it from can have all the three at the same time).

IE Explorer won't let me add people in fantacy baseball?

There's no Green + sign but there the Red Minus Sign..... I dont know what i can do. It works in Firefox but not ie explorer..

IE Explorer won't let me add people in fantacy baseball?ie 7

eh, check to see if you have javascript enabled. No idea why that would happen or check your cookies settings.

Where to get outdated IE browsers and IE with CSS?

I'm working on a site using CSS for my company, and found that when I used the computers at work (with ancient Internet Explorer versions) the perprortions are entirely wrong to the point that the website is nonfunctional.

So my first question: Do all IE versions support CSS?

and second: Where can I download outdated IE browsers to check my work on?

Where to get outdated IE browsers and IE with CSS?windows xp pro

not sure about your css question, but you'll find old versions here...

Where to get outdated IE browsers and IE with CSS?microsoft net framework internet explorer

I've found this site to be helpful:
Well i think you mean RSS but the only safe place i would trust to download any IE are from microsoft themselves. I would think their site archives the older versions but I'm not sure

Problem with IE-FF-Opera/Facebook?


At home, I have no problem on FB, with IE, FF, or Opera.

But at work, with the 3 navigators, I can't click on button.

Exemple, the button "more" to see the applications.

I can view messages but can't replay, the button "send" doesn't work.

And with some applications, the "next", "buy" or others buttons doesn't work too.

The error ont he page at arriving :

Line 401

Char 105

Error : Expected ";"

Code 0


Line 10

Char 1

Error : Object expected

Code 0


Line 9

Char 1

Error : Object expected

Code 0


Line 9

Char 1

Error : "bagofholding" is undefined

Code 0


Line 55

Char 1

Error : Object expected

Code 0


Same problem with Yahoo/Answer

And on IE, I have not rights to change options.

Problem with IE-FF-Opera/Facebook?microsoft exchange

could be that at work access to the web is filtered and some sites are restricted

Behavior in litigation in criminal course ie investigation laypeople, judge?

If you have a bad feeling about a layperson opening evidence for malice against a victim credibility with or without a judge suponea evidence ... could be held liable for damaging fraternisation.. ie landlords, landlord familys(of pursuant) also opening sealed records of minor transmissions of files to and from state or local agency employee IE CVB or , POLICE or insensitive behavior ie employment workplace...WHAT TO DO? finding things in common with proceedings

ie four ajournments so far......

Behavior in litigation in criminal course ie investigation laypeople, judge?windows server 2003

The whole bunch should be in jail

Why doesn't Firefox/IE connect to the internet?

Help me please! I have been using Netscape to connect to the internet, which I don't really like. I have internet connection and can ping any website, but for whatever reason Firefox/IE won't connect. It says "unable to connect to the internet" everytime I try for some reason. This happened a few weeks back first with IE, than couple days later with Firefox. However, Netscape has never had a problem so far. Please help me fix this problem. I hate using Netscape, since IE is my default browser. Thank you.

Why doesn't Firefox/IE connect to the internet?ie tab

what can you ping? If you can ping by both name ( and ip (, then it is not a firewall. the problem would be within the browser. If you can only ping by name it is most likely the anti-virus firewall, spyware, 3rd party browser extensions, wrong proxies. If you can only ping by ip, the flush your dns. ( goto the command prompt and type ipconfig /flushdns. the most common cause is the firewall though, especially if it's norton or mcaffe... if all fails, you may need to reset tcp/ip through the command prompt. it would depend on the version of windows...i assume you have windows. (on a mac, there is one fix for all not moving data issues, just create a new network location.if it's XP there is a regedit to reinstall tcp/ip by deleting winsock1 and 2. you can search for the xp winsock2 regedit for proper instructions, MAKE SURE you export the registry as a text file before deleting anything within the registry, however, i doubt you'll have to go that far

Why doesn't Firefox/IE connect to the internet?windows mobile internet explorer

Check your firewalls, or proxy settings in IE.

How do i get IE to save a media file into the Temporary Internet Files on Vista?

I'm new to and am currently using Vista. I realised that IE does not download media files into the temporary internet folders. I've checked the folders and even increased the disk space. I really think it's becos of my IE settings somehow. Its very inconvinient when i want to listen to mp3 or wma online. Becos buffering is just so slow. If IE is able to download the file temporary, then i wouldn't need to wait so long. Can somebody advise on this? Thanks.

How do i get IE to save a media file into the Temporary Internet Files on Vista?microsoft powerpoint

check out this site as it may be able to answer your questions, many tips %26amp; hints for new people on vista

site is updated often

How do i get IE to save a media file into the Temporary Internet Files on Vista?windows xp sp2 internet explorer

OK it seems to be a problem with your IE in Vista but if you can download the full mp3 or wma file without listening %26amp; buffering it will be good.

For downloading use this

Right click on the song name then you will see a option such as SAVE AS TARGET give a place which you can access eaisly by this way the file will get downloaded to a place where you want it to be.

But on a slow connection speed it will take too much of time depending on the size (MB) of the song.

Come back IE 6!?

My boyfriend downloaded IE 7 on our laptop (probably because a shiny flashing ad told him too) and it sux. I want to uninstall it and download IE 6 again. Is there any way to do this?

Come back IE 6!?windows media player 10

The right answer is to go into the control panel and add/remove programs then remove Windows internet explorer 7.0 but there are fine details that you need to know.

Reboot the pc first and make sure no other software is running when you remove IE7. Close any extras you have runing in the system tray (by the clock) if you can and then do the uninstall.

Uninstalling IE7 rolls the PC back to IE6 automatically after the reboot. Make sure you reboot as soon as the uninstall is done. Once it reboots then you should be ok.

Do not use the system restore function to remove IE7. I have seen more than 2 dozen XP PC's come in the shop that have the OS trashed from using system restore to remove IE 7. For some reason they don't get along all the time and you end up with a mess. I don't know what people are doing to cause this as they are already trashed when I get them. Since MS has been pushing IE7 through the automatic update function, there have been tons of problems. You can go to windows update and unselect the IE7 option and it won't bother you again. You will get a warning when you visit WU but it's no big deal. You can also de-select it in the auto updates just like you do in WU.

Good luck


Come back IE 6!?microsoft net internet explorer

i wish i knew how cause i don't like it either
just do a system restore

before it was installed
Use your System Restore if you have Windows XP.

Click on "start"

Go to "programs"

Choose "accessories"

Go to "system tools"

Choose "system restore"

On "system restore" choose to top box that says "Restore my computer to an earlier time" and click next.

Next screen that comes up choose a date from before Internet Explorer 7 was installed.

Computer will restore IE6 and restart.

You now have Internet Explorer6 back!

*******This may sound complicated but actually only takes a few minutes.*******
I know! I hate some of the features- whenever I open up a window, I have to take 3 more steps to find it.
To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6
First download the IE6 setup from the microsoft website.

Once that is complete, go into your contorl panel %26gt; add/remove program. Select IE7 and click remove.

Once IE7 is removed, restart the computer and launch the IE6 setup. IE6 will walk you thru the rest of setup.

I would recommend staying with IE7 and make sure you have the full release. You can get IE7 official release from the MS site. Tabbed browsing makes a world of difference.

Good luck.
do as classic suggests above its easy , system restore is too much hassle
You can uninstall it via Add/Remove Programs, but I suggest you to use Opera or Firefox instead. (no pop ups, no malware software comming through, tabbed browsing, mouse gestures, widgets just to name a few benefits)
I suggest you get used to IE7 because Microsoft will slowly make it compulsory for everyone to upgrade.

If you don't like it, I suggest you try FireFox browser.
before you to that... try firefox. it's the best internet browser, ever. even microsoft admitted that firefox is a whole lot better; microsoft wanted to ask for their advice on internet security issues.

Why is IE "clipping" my CSS tabs?

If you visit, using IE, you will NOT see the top of my tabs. Firefox is perfect. Why is IE doing this?

Why is IE "clipping" my CSS tabs?windows explorer

This is probally more likely to be due to your CSS coding than IE. IE and Firefox handle margin and paddings slightly differently. Alway set margin and padding to zero in the body tag before coding to eliminate may of the problems. But if you have coded without these present then adding them may create other problems.

The other issues may be that you have not correctly set the paddings or margins for the image in your tags. If you have used an inline list for your tags then check the ul, li and a tag settings.

Why is IE "clipping" my CSS tabs?microsoft zune internet explorer

Simply because IE is IE. Actually I can't really help since I don't know much about CSS, but seriously. Forget IE. If it works fine with firefox, be happy with that.
Talk to the fine engineers at Microsoft. They did this so that sites following Firefox standards won't be usable by IE and vice versa, thus creating twice as much work for webmasters. This is done, as usual, to attempt to protect their market share on a "free" product. A free product that is attached extremely well to a couple hundred bucks of not so free OS. Thanks for being a philanthropist in Africa, but NOT in Cyberspace, Unca' Bill. See the article on the URL below, picked up by Yahoo from Techweb.

IE Defender Cannot be Removed!!!?

It appears that every second i have the same thing popping up saying that my computer has been hijacked and i need to download blah blah..... I know its IE Defender, but i dont know how to get rid of it. I tried that thing on bleepin computers but i was having trouble with it, i tried deleting it, and still no success. Does anyone know how to remove it quickly without paying for a spy ware thing? I greatly appreciate it, Thanks!

IE Defender Cannot be Removed!!!?microsoft money

IEDefender is a rogue anti-spyware application that displays exaggerated security alerts difficult to close in an attempt to trick you into purchasing the full IEDefender version.

Your web browser is hijacked and will display a fake error message in order to confuse you into believing it鈥檚 coming from the search engine itself. IE Defender error message states that you鈥檙e infected with spyware and that you need to download IEDefender to solve your problem. This is not true. IE Defender is trying to trick you into purchasing the full version of the product. Remove IEDefender as soon as possible. In the link I'm providing, you may read all about IEDefender and the instructions to remove this rogue anti-spyware.good luck.


IE Defender Cannot be Removed!!!?windows explorer internet explorer

Superantispyware removes IE Defender:
I'll second heebus_jeebus. SuperAntiSpyware:
the person above me had the answer!

I was scared but THIS IS THE SOLUTION ^^^^^^^^^

Make sure you print or save the instructions

work in safe mode!
spybot, updated, run in safe mode.
After several hours of effort I got rid of it by using the manual fix described at, modified in two ways.

!. When deleting files from C\Windows\System32 do so in Safe Mode.

2. Don't rely on the list of file names to delete. Arrange the files in the System32 directory by date modified, and delete files modified at the time that you were infected - but copy them to a memory stick first just in case you are deleting the wrong ones.
IEDefender is an extremely dangerous rogue software created by programmers from Russia. It may be installed manually (from or using security holes. Once the IEDefender is installed, it will start showing fake security messages that your system is in danger and will trick you into buying its full version. IEDefender may steal your secret information (passwords, credit card numbers, PayPal accounts). IEDefenders work may damage Windows registry and cause system slowdowns and crashes. It may be difficult to remove IEDefender manually because it loads on every Windows startup and has an ability to renew itself if you try to remove it.


Manual removal instructions for this parasite:
You can try this easy %26amp; free removal process:

I downloaded the new ie 7.0 and am having all kinds of trouble...How do i uninstall it and re-instal

How do i uninstall ie 7.0 and reinstall ie 6.0 having many issues with pogo and ie

I downloaded the new ie 7.0 and am having all kinds of trouble...How do i uninstall it and re-install 6.0 plmicrosoft office 2003

why use the stupid IE in d 1st plce? use firefox ( go to n follow instructions). it's 100 times better n advanced!!

I downloaded the new ie 7.0 and am having all kinds of trouble...How do i uninstall it and re-install 6.0 plwindows xp professional internet explorer

hit on %26gt;start%26gt;control panel%26gt;add remove %26gt;check mark on da top of %26gt;add remove %26gt;show up dates%26lt;%26lt;

then look for (IE7 ) hit on that then hit remove . (IE7) will uninstall and your system will re-run (IE6) no need to download (IE6) again
Go to add remove and UN install it.
I am uninstalling mine too, nothing but problems. I know you can just uninstall it, you don't have to reinstall the 6 it is just in there.
i think you cannot uninstall IE....because some of it files are needed by u will find no option to uninstall it...

Better u use Mozilla Firefox is really good
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You an get AVG, ZoneAlarm and many reputed antivirus and antiSpyware

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go to start, control panel,add/remove, and click on IE7. Good Luck! It wouldn't let me totally uninstall it even thought I thought I had. I got a blank desktop and couldn't get it back and had to take to the shop and 125.00 later, everything had to be reinstalled.

How can I get IE 7 off my computer?

"I installed IE 7 on my computer. I am not satisfied with it's proformance. It will not allow me to install any other browser. It also will not allow me to uninstall it in any way. I have tried add/delete programs and unistall from the programs menu. It will not let me reset my "system restore" to before it was installed. It keeps trying to shut down my computer. It's almost like it knows that I am trying to get rid of it. It's kind of spooky, like microsoft has designed it to block any effort to get rid of it. It pops up a box that says that Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. I never had any problems with IE 6. How can I get IE 7 off my computer?"

How can I get IE 7 off my computer?windows media center

Try Firefox instead

Here's why

Once Firefox is running and you are happy with it if you still want to get IE7 off your machine then have a read through the options here


How can I get IE 7 off my computer?nintendo ds browser internet explorer

you have to get a seperate uninstalling software for getting IE or Messenger off the PC. it is available , but not for free.
It would be nice if you could get it off, but MS has screwed us over again. Try to install Firefox.
reinstall it with IE 6
from what i know about i7 is much better than i6, maybe it is not compatible with your systems, what you should do is back up your files first and try to reformat your hard disk maybe that what i will suggest to you as of the moment.
Start %26gt; Control Panel %26gt; Add/Remove Programs.

Uninstall IE 7 from the list. If it does not show up there, then click 'Show Updates' and then uninstall it. IE will be automatically be downgraded to version 6.
Uninstalling Internet Explorer 7 RC1

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 and restore Internet Explorer 6 when using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003

Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

Click Add or Remove Programs.

Scroll down to Windows Internet Explorer 7, click it, and then click Change/Remove.

If you cannot find Internet Explorer 7 in Add or Remove Programs, click Start, click Run, type %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe, and then press ENTER.

Note: %windir% is the location of your Windows directory, which can usually be found at C:\Windows. To do this, you need to have "view hidden folders" enabled.

Uninstalling Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3, Beta 2, Beta 2 Preview, or Beta 1

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3, Beta 2, Beta 2 Preview, or Beta 1 and restore Internet Explorer 6 when using Windows XP or Windows Server 2003:

Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

Click Add or Remove Programs.

Scroll down to "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 3", "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2", or "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview", click it, and then click Change/Remove.

If you cannot find any version of Internet Explorer 7 in the previous step, select the Show Updates check box at the top of the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, scroll down to Windows XP - Software Updates, select "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview" or "Internet Explorer 7 Beta 1", and then click Change/Remove.

If you cannot find an Internet Explorer 7 entry using Add or Remove Programs, try running these commands. Each is for a different release of Internet Explorer 7, so only one will succeed. To run any of these commands, you need to have the View hidden folders option enabled. In the commands below, %windir% is the location of your Windows directory, which can usually be found at C:\Windows. To run these commands, click Start, click Run, and then type one of the following:

%windir%\ ie7beta3\ spuninst\ spuninst.exe.

%windir%\ $NtUninstallie7beta1$\ spuninst\ spuninst.exe.

%windir%\ $NtUninstallie7bet2p$ \spuninst\ spuninst.exe.

%windir%\ $NtUninstallie7b2pmx$ \spuninst \spuninst.exe.

%windir%\ $NtUninstallie7beta2$ \spuninst\spuninst.exe.
If you still can't get rid of the problem what I would do is if you have Windows XP press F10 when you restart your computer and keep pressing it untill you get a screen and somewhere on there, there should be an option that says Restore your computer to an earlier date. Now this works. The computer will choose dates it thinks are important or you can set your own but once you set the date there is no turning back.
I had a similar issue with the "..has encountered a problem and needs to close" pop up. This doesn't totally uninstall IE, more of a disable but what I did was:

Start - control panel - add remove programs

On the left hand side of the program list you will see add/remove windows components. Un-check Internet Explorer and click on next. I then installed Firefox.

IE hasn't bothered me since :P

From the control panel I was able to uninstall it. Select to show updates. Find and uninstall IE7.

The folder on your hardrive usually drive C will still show the folder on IE though.


I have IE 7-from yesterday I am geting a message - compuer is infected-scan by spywarequake.?

IE 7 has spyware scanner. I am unable to remove warning message in the task bar. I have symantec antivirus updated and windows security center with firewall and automatic updates are on. Please suggest me how to remove the message from the task bar. I have scaned the whole computer with antivirus and IE 7 spyware scaner. Both the scaners has shown no threats.

I have IE 7-from yesterday I am geting a message - compuer is infected-scan by spywarequake.?ds browser

Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows XP

The following instructions pertain to all Symantec antivirus products that support security risk detection.

Update the definitions.

Uninstall the security risk.

Run the scan.

Delete any values added to the registry.

For specific details on each of these steps, read the following instructions.

1. To update the definitions

To obtain the most recent definitions, start your Symantec program and run LiveUpdate.

2. To uninstall the security risk

This security risk includes an uninstallation applet. In order to uninstall this security risk, complete the following instructions:

Click Start %26gt; Settings %26gt; Control Panel or Start %26gt; Control Panel (this varies with the operating system).

In the Control Panel window, double-click Add/Remove Programs.

Windows Me only: If you do not see the Add/Remove Programs icon, click ...view all Control Panel options.

Click "SpywareQuake 2.0"

Note: You may need to use the scroll bar to view the whole list.

Click Add/Remove, Change/Remove, or Remove (this varies with the operating system). Follow the prompts.

Note: After running the Add/Remove programs applet, all the files may have been removed. You will want to run a full system scan to ensure that this is the case. However, it is possible that no files will be detected after using Add/Remove programs.

3. To run the scan

Start your Symantec antivirus program, and then run a full system scan.

If any files are detected, and depending on which software version you are using, you may see one or more of the following options:

Note: This applies only to versions of Norton AntiVirus that support security risk detection. If you are running a version of Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition that supports security risk detection, and security risk detection has been enabled, you will only see a message box that gives the results of the scan. If you have questions in this situation, contact your network administrator.

Exclude (Not recommended): If you click this button, it will set the risk so that it is no longer detectable. That is, the antivirus program will keep the security risk on your computer and will no longer detect it to remove from your computer.

Ignore or Skip: This option tells the scanner to ignore the risk for this scan only. It will be detected again the next time that you run a scan.

Cancel: This option is new to Norton Antivirus 2005. It is used when Norton Antivirus 2005 has determined that it cannot delete a security risk. This Cancel option tells the scanner to ignore the risk for this scan only, and thus, the risk will be detected again the next time that you run a scan.

To actually delete the security risk:

Click its file name (under the Filename column).

In the Item Information box that displays, write down the full path and file name.

Then use Windows Explorer to locate and delete the file.

Delete: This option will attempt to delete the detected files. In some cases, the scanner will not be able to do this.

If you see a message, "Delete Failed" (or similar message), manually delete the file.

Click the file name of the risk that is under the Filename column.

In the Item Information box that displays, write down the full path and file name.

Then use Windows Explorer to locate and delete the file.

Important: If you are unable to start your Symantec antivirus product or the product reports that it cannot delete a detected file, you may need to stop the risk from running in order to remove it. To do this, run the scan in Safe mode. For instructions, read the document, How to start the computer in Safe Mode. Once you have restarted in Safe mode, run the scan again.

After the files are deleted, restart the computer in Normal mode and proceed with the next section.

Warning messages may be displayed when the computer is restarted, since the risk may not be fully removed at this point. You can ignore these messages and click OK. These messages will not appear when the computer is restarted after the removal instructions have been fully completed. The messages displayed may be similar to the following:

Title: [FILE PATH]

Message body: Windows cannot find [FILE NAME]. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.

4. To delete the value from the registry

Important: Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before making any changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify the specified subkeys only. Read the document: How to make a backup of the Windows registry.

Click Start %26gt; Run.

Type regedit

Then click OK.

Note: If the registry editor fails to open the risk may have modified the registry to prevent access to the registry editor. Security Response has developed a tool to resolve this problem. Download and run this tool, and then continue with the removal.

Navigate to the subkey:


In the right pane, delete the value:

"SpywareQuake" = "%ProgramFiles%\SpywareQuake\SpywareQuak... /h"

Navigate to and delete the following registry subkeys:



















HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\... Paths\SpywareQuake.exe



Exit the Registry Editor.

I have IE 7-from yesterday I am geting a message - compuer is infected-scan by spywarequake.?microsoft templates internet explorer

you'll get better help below in the ie7 group


? Here are hundreds of Discussion Groups for Microsoft products such as Internet Explorer, Outlook, Outlook Express and the list goes on and on. There is even a discussion group for the new Internet Explorer 7 beta.

? You'll need to signup for an MSN Passport Account to use these groups. But it's really worth your time. You'll receive better help here than anywhere. But if you didn't pay for the product it might be smart not to mention it here. If you want help that is.

Go here and see if this removes it.
I highly recommend you download SUPERantispyware. It will remove spywarequake. It is VERY VERY effective and it is free.

Utorrent keeps disconnecting my ie?

when i run utorrent on my vista pc i am unable to connect to ie. Vista continues to download files but i cannot connect to internet explorer. I have noticed on some occasions that i can connect to ie after several minutes.

my two other pc's running on xp have no problems with utorrent and ie running together. could this have something to do with my network settings with vista? or perhaps my antivirus software?

Utorrent keeps disconnecting my ie?microsoft vista

if you're using ie7 well it sucks, revert to ie6 or get the more secure firefox browser from mozilla

Utorrent keeps disconnecting my ie?windows xp pro internet explorer

no, its proly vista ... vista basically blows ... its prolly a registry setting for connection limiting but im not familiar enough with vista to say ... it could also very likely be a driver incompatibility with ur nic card ... and even more likely its a compound problem involving both ... my advice is to upgrade back to XP and shelve vista until a service pack is released ..

I need IE on a computer that has NO internet! PLEASE HELP!?

I have an older computer with internet explorer 5.5 on it... I want to connect this computer to the internet via wireless but when I try to install my wireless card software it says I need IE 6 or + to install it.... Ive tried putting the set up exe file on a disc and doing that... but It messes up because it says it needs to connect to the internet to download. Is there anyway of being able to download IE WITHOUT internet on a computer... WIRELESS is the ONLY way I can connect... no ethernet and phone jack wont work.... PLEASE HELP!

I need IE on a computer that has NO internet! PLEASE HELP!?windows media

Connect the computer to the router with an ethernet cable, then download IE. This will bypass the wireless card's complaint.

I need IE on a computer that has NO internet! PLEASE HELP!?microsoft exchange internet explorer

get firefox
Contact Microsoft and try to get it on disc, or get a pcmcia Ethernet card and connect it that way, then you would be able to download IE
Put exe file on disc but run it after you connect to the internet using one of those AOL trial CD's in combination with dialup. If you're like me you get 50 million of these damn things in the mail, they actually come in handy for just such an event. Don't forget to cancel before you get charged, that's what they're banking on.

Is it IE or my laptop problem?

there is this website which work perfectly fine on my desktop and i can use either firefox or IE and the site runs without problem.

but when i use my laptop, only firefox works for the site, IE ALWAYS freezes.

I have reinstalled IE7 (the latest version), downloaded the latest Directx, on this laptop but the problem is still there

do you know what the problem is?

and the site is

Is it IE or my laptop problem?microsoft updates

Check the recommended system requirements here and make sure to play the games you install the software.

Is it IE or my laptop problem?windows server 2003 internet explorer

I am not sure, but my wild guess would be a GPU error... but then again I am not sure, it is just a guess.

I tried to uninstall IE 7. It won't let me. Using Add/Remove Programs as suggested does nothing

My computer says I already uninstalled Internet Explorer 7 yet it still operates. I tried all the tricks to revert to IE 6 to no avail - none of the tips or answers work. I thought I'd just use another browser so I installed Firefox with no problems; however, my system won't open it. I don't know what to do because I hate IE 7 but seem to be stuck using it. It won't even allow me to go into the Internet Options toolbar so change settings or anything. My computer is totally screwed up because or IE 7. I need serious help.

I tried to uninstall IE 7. It won't let me. Using Add/Remove Programs as suggested does nothing?microsoft publisher

if firefox doesnt work maybe you could try and see if Opera works on your pc.

I tried to uninstall IE 7. It won't let me. Using Add/Remove Programs as suggested does nothing?microsoft live internet explorer

To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 to return to Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP

Click "Start," and then click "Control Panel."

Click "Add or Remove Programs."

Check "Show Updates" at the top of the dialog box.

Scroll down the list and highlight the version of Internet Explorer 7 that you are running, and then click "Change/Remove."

Uninstall that,restart your PC and you are on IE6
I am having the same problem, I did go the the Microsoft website and looked around to see if there was a roll back to IE 6. Unfortunately we may be stuck using it. What message do you get when you try to open fire fox. I have that but haven't had any issues. Email me with any messages or error codes.
See if this tweak helps you with using IE7.

Autocomplete in IE - Disable drop down menu.?

Howdy. I'm looking to find out to set IE to automatically enter a stored entry into a text field when a page is loaded. Firefox seems to do this autoatically but IE wants you to click on the field and select from a drop down menu even if you have only one stored option for it. Any ideas? I have autocomplete set to on and have inline autocompete set to 'enable' but the field still remains blank until I click on it.

Autocomplete in IE - Disable drop down menu.?microsoft word download


So far I've never experienced that. Can safely assume that it is not workable in IE.

Anyway, it may work if you are talking passwords. Cause you can have autocomplete for passwords. But maybe you'd still need to click on the empty box.

Hmm, if Firefox works, then you DO have an option. hehe

But I've neve seen it in IE.

Autocomplete in IE - Disable drop down menu.?internet explorer download internet explorer

You can delete the history of search bar on ur homepage (whatever it is either Yahoo! or Google) by following this path. Tools%26gt; internet options%26gt; content%26gt; auto complete%26gt; clear forms. To stop the generation of history uncheck the box of forms.

You can delete the search history on ur yahoo toolbar this way. click the arrow in the search box. Select options, click clear history. Follow this path also. Pencil%26gt; toolbar options%26gt; uncheck the boxes of enable auto complete and enable history%26gt; ok.

To delete address bar history, follow this path. Tools%26gt; internet options%26gt; general %26gt; clear history %26gt; set the number of days to zero%26gt; ok. On this link you will get the information how to delete search history if you have Mozilla or Safari as your Internet browser also.

To know more please visit the following links.

You can learn about how to protect your privacy on the internet by visiting the following link

If any time you feel like to recover deleted history in windows, you can learn that by visiting the following link

It will solve your all search related problems.

Can I uprade to IE 7 then downgrade?

Do you know for sure that if I uprade to IE 7, then decide to go back to IE 6, there will be no problems with running IE 6 the way it was running before?

Can I uprade to IE 7 then downgrade?windows updates

Yes, you can downgrade by uninstalling IE7 from the Add/remove programs in the control panel and all should be back to the way it was.

Can I uprade to IE 7 then downgrade?replacement windows internet explorer

no there will be no problem at all,if u upgraded to ie7 and didn't like it u can go back to ur older version 6 by just uninstalling the ie7.
no... there will be no problem...
I just personally did this with my computer with no problems. All you have to do is go into add/remove programs and uninstall ie7. ie6 is still on your system, but when you install ie7, it is overrided unti you decide you don't want it.

I personally cannot reccomend ie7 if you want better than what you have. I was unable to go into certain websites and in some cases, certain searches I made on google and yahoo would cause an error and I would get kicked offline. There are some great things that come with it including a better set up with favorites, and your other toolbar options, but that is as far as it goes. Hope this helped.

Good Luck!
Maybe you want the IE6 view than IE7 right?

After you upgrade IE6 to IE7, copy and the iexplorer.exe from

C:\Windows\ie7\ (note: ie7 folder is hidden)

then paste or overwrite iexplorer.exe

C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ (note:make a back-up file for iexplorer.exe before overwriting)

Then try to open now you Internet Explorer at the desktop.

You don't need downgrade anymore.

IE browser issue: When I type in the letter "h" into browser Address window, a porn site a

- - - - -

My roommate used my computer and got it all virused up (not surprising, if u know him)

Anyway, I cleaned them all off--except I don't know how to get rid of what appears to be an extremely persistent virus. This site is really gross; advertising child porn or something like that. I don't want to write it out fully because don't want to advertise it, but it starts with "http://hardsite." and ends with ".to/".

I'm a relatively sophisticated user, so I've already tried alot of remedies:

- I've cleared the History, Cookies and Temp Internet files, both in IE and manually.

- I ran an array of anti-spyware programs:

+ SpyBot

+ AdWare

+ Yahoo AntiSpy

- I ran a full deep scan of Avast! AntiVirus.

These steps removed alot of junk, but this site still pops up.

I simply cannot find what is causing this problem to persist. Does anyone know what causes this horrible site to pop up every time I type in the letter "h"?

Thanks any help u can provide

IE browser issue: When I type in the letter "h" into browser Address window, a porn site appears in drop-down.opera browser

I think i have someting for you in store all u can do is reinstall just internet explorer may be 7 just delete the old explorer and as a matter of fact i wud like to suggest you to use opera as its much protected to virus even if u watch porn movies. hope this is the best answer to ur question vote me

IE browser issue: When I type in the letter "h" into browser Address window, a porn site appears in windows internet explorer

Click on:

Tools - Internet Options - Security - Restricted Sites - Sites.

Add that website to your "banned" list.


Then, Google that web site, and find any ideas on the net on how to eliminate it permanently.

To prevent future viruses/worms, I use System Mechanic 7. It has a Registry cleaner/saver. If a virus/worm happens to invade my PC, after cleaning everything, I restore a saved Registry that I had pre-virus. It also has a great pop-up blocker.
You kid should be outside playing baseball or something...
if you ran them all and that still comes up i think you only have one thing left to do is just reformat the hard drive and install windows again. note you will lose everything so save one another hard drive or burn to a cd.


just keep on installing anti virus/spyware programs and keep at it.

It sounds like it's time to format your hard drive and to install Windows from scratch. To avoid this in the future, place password control on your system so that unauthorized people like your roommate can not use your computer. I can't think of anything better to do.

I'm sure that you know that your roomate visited all of these sites resulting in contamination of your system. Tell your roomate to purchase his own computer.

Can't find Temp IE directory on XP with SP2?

For some unknown reason I can't find/access the temporary IE directory file on my XP system. The directory I am specifically looking for is located in C:/documents and settings/'username'/local settings/temp/temp IE. (The 'username' refers to the specific user that I want to see.) I have done this in the past and it worked but can't seem to find it now. I have turned on BOTH the SHOW HIDDEN FILES and SHOW SYSTEM HIDDEN FILES via Windows Explorer Tools menu folder options but still no luck. This particular directory contains many .tmp files that are created when you use IE. I like to clean it out as it gets very large over time.

Any help would be appreciated.

Can't find Temp IE directory on XP with SP2?windows mobile 6



C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

check out then tell

Can't find Temp IE directory on XP with SP2?microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

use your system restore to go back to an earlyer time ,you problemly will find it there.

Stuck between IE 6.0 and 7.0?

Hey I have a friend that attempted to upgrade IE 6.0 to IE 7.0 but each time she trys to install it says the Installer failed and that she needs to reboot to get rid of installed files. I think she may have used a beta version originally, though I am not sure.

Now in the help parts of programs( Help --%26gt; help contents, or F1)

the window will show up blank white where the help text should be. The topics and index still show thought. This is also happening in QuickenBooks in their Webbrowser.

Any ideas about how to fix this? She really doesn't care anymore about what version she is using, just wants to be able to see the text.

Stuck between IE 6.0 and 7.0?internet browser

What version of Windows is she using?

First, backup data.

Second, Set a current restore point and reboot.

Third, Look for a restore point from before the IE updates and try to use that.

If it isn't the way she wants it...

Lastly, under Add/Remove Programs can she see a list of IEs that can be removed? If so, remove them from there, and then run a trusted program the cleans the registry. I like CC Cleaner. RegClean was popular for a while also. Run Windows Updates, and make sure ALL of the critical updates are installed, then choose the optional updates that are desired but include all IE updates. If this doesn't fix it I always remind the user that a backup of data, and a format and fresh install always makes a system run more efficiently and reliably.

Stuck between IE 6.0 and 7.0?windows media center internet explorer

install a proper browser for her firefox for instance
You have to validate Windows at to install internet explorer 7.
i would honestly stop using IE altogether. i switched to firefox a couple years ago and love it. it is a lot more secure and i haven't had any real problems with it since. they also have an email program like outlook called thunderbird.

firefox is updated more often than ie and is a lot easier to use as well as more secure.
what windows is she running if it xp home then you should intall 6.0 again and then upgrade to 7,0 . from microsoft update here is the page link. i had trouble also i found that if its not xp sp2 you get errors so make sure you have the sp2 update first. go into tools at the top and thenclick on options go to each tab and resst all setings to default and then restart explorer

Problem with IE, closing if i open other windows and not letting me type once opened..?

when i open IE it will not let me type on that page say like for a password, then if it does for some reason work, if i open another window from a link and when i am done close that window it shuts everything down and restarts IE.... i am using vista (don't everyone cringe at once) any ideas???

Problem with IE, closing if i open other windows and not letting me type once opened..?microsoft office 2007

Switch browsers, maybe Opera or Firefox?

Problem with IE, closing if i open other windows and not letting me type once opened..?windows media internet explorer

uninstall and reinstall

Since installing IE 7 I am no longer able to join groups. the join button is missing..any ideas ?

IE 7 is supposed to be compatible with Yahoo right ? well since installing it, I have tried to join two different groups, at the bottom of those pages, the join button is not there. That is as far as I get. I want to go back to IE 6, but can not find a download link for it, just patches... can any one help ?

Since installing IE 7 I am no longer able to join groups. the join button is missing..any ideas ?windows media player 11

use a diffferent browser, join by email or send it to owner and ask him to add you :)

Since installing IE 7 I am no longer able to join groups. the join button is missing..any ideas ?microsoft publisher internet explorer

yeah.. when this was happens do this.. give all the info just as you normal would.. then instead on clicking the join button.. just hit enter on your key pad.. that worked my group.. peace out!! :)

Since installing IE 7 I am no longer able to join groups. the join button is missing..any ideas ?

IE 7 is supposed to be compatible with Yahoo right ? well since installing it, I have tried to join two different groups, at the bottom of those pages, the join button is not there. That is as far as I get. I want to go back to IE 6, but can not find a download link for it, just patches... can any one help ?

Since installing IE 7 I am no longer able to join groups. the join button is missing..any ideas ?windows media player 11

use a diffferent browser, join by email or send it to owner and ask him to add you :)

Since installing IE 7 I am no longer able to join groups. the join button is missing..any ideas ?microsoft publisher internet explorer

yeah.. when this was happens do this.. give all the info just as you normal would.. then instead on clicking the join button.. just hit enter on your key pad.. that worked my group.. peace out!! :)

MySpace CSS IE / Firefox issue?

i realize that firefox and IE render CSS differently because of the way the code is parsed.

You cant use javascript to correct CSS issues in myspace, nor can you use a Link rel="stylesheet", usually i would use a %26lt;!--[if IE]%26gt; statement to check the browser, then link to the appropriate stylesheet.....myspace blocks the %26lt;link%26gt; tag...

any other way to get around my firefox layout looking like crap?

MySpace CSS IE / Firefox issue?opera browser

Use the IE conditional comments, as follows:

- style the page perfectly in Firefox

- determine what needs to be different for IE (general or even specific versions) not by changing what you've done for FF, but by overriding it with different attribute value for the same selectors repeated at the bottom of your origin FF style sheet ("cascade," right? - later, more local, or more specifically selected styles take precedence - you're not deleting any of your earlier FF work but only overriding it with repeated declaration later in the cascade)

- add any new style for IE, again down at the bottom of your style sheet, to keep all the IE "tweaks" together

- once you're done getting it perfect in IE, cut the set of overrides out of the end of your style sheet and include those in an IE conditional comment in the HTML itself

Now your base style sheet is perfect for FF, and your in-page conditional comments an contain an internal style sheet (%26lt;style%26gt; block) that offers overrides that repair the cascade for IE.

This can repeated "ad nauseum" for different flavors of IE, if you intend to support multiple versions.

MySpace CSS IE / Firefox issue?microsoft windows internet explorer

Well, technically, for the most part, Firefox will display things correctly. IE is usually the problem.

However, without specific code examples, I can't help you.


Myspace is pretty strict about what it allows in terms of formatting. I don't know of any way to do what you're asking. MySpace isn't exactly the pinnacle of of CSS/HTML compatibility or usability.

IE 6 will not connect to the internet while alternative Firefox is?

Basically I keep getting the 'Page cannot be displayed' page in Internet Explorer 6, while my wireless connection is working fine resulting in that I can still connect in Mozilla Firefox. However programs such as Windows Live Messenger rely on IE to work for them to work, meaning my main trouble is that I cannot use WLM and that is why I need to fix this problem pretty quickly.

I am running XP Pro SP2 and have Comodo firewall, and a wireless connection.

Previous to writing this I have reverted from IE7 to IE6 to try and sort the problem and have changed some of settings like the LAN settings to what some websites/guides have mentioned. I have also allowed the two programs, IE and WLM, to work with my firewall, which I think I have done correctly.

IE 6 will not connect to the internet while alternative Firefox is?windows mobile

If you are running Firefox try this, there is a new add-on out for Firefox that allows you to view pages that don't work in Firefox using internet explorers rendering engines (fancy word for the program that allows you to view the web pages). This add-on is called ie tab for Firefox, you can download it at When you get to this page simply click add to Firefox and then follow the instructions in the on-screen installation box.

IE problem - advertisement pop up?

Under my IE properties, I cannot change the home page address, when launch IE, it go to those advertisement page

another problem is, when I do a search, when click on the link, it goes to some advertisment site also, I have to click "back" then the page i want will appear

can anybody teach me how to solve this

IE problem - advertisement pop up?windows xp professional

Try this. Click start, in search box type in msconfig. If that search box doesn't come up click on run and type in msconfig. You will end up at a system configuration box. Click on the start up tab and look for the pop ups there. If not found there, click the services tab and look there. You need to know every thing in the pop up so you will recognize what you are looking for. If you find, un check the box or boxes. Write down all you un check so if you make an error you can go back and reinstate. There may be a hundred items in services tab so start at the bottom of scroll down box.

IE problem - advertisement pop up?windows xp home internet explorer

IE Defender is a rouge anti virus you should remove that thing before things get wrost. Then this what worked for me I went to start then went to disk cleaner. And I search view files then search for the date you had that problem find that file. It should be a unknown file and delete it. and try your internet brower and see if your problem is gone. Good Luck
Error killer: Though not as thorough as Reg Cure did manage to find and fix the majority of errors on some of our systems. Even though our first choice is Reg Cure, Error Killer still provided us with an extremely thorough scan and managed to fix many errors that other services could not.

I've just installed IE 7 and i can't use the "Manage Add-ons" option from the to

I can access "Manage Add-ons" through

=%26gt;Internet Options

=%26gt;Programs (tab)

=%26gt;Manage Add-ons

But, when i am on the Manage Add-ons window, it says that i have a few things enabled (i.e. Adobe Reader/Shockwave, etc), while IE is saying that i have add-ons disabled. This has been really frustrating. I've also reinstalled IE but nothing seems to work. Also in the Start Menu bar, right next to the IE icon has a text saying "No Add-ons" and when i do open up IE, there is a message saying "Internet Explorer is currently running with add-ons disabled" located under the tabs (under the menu bar). can someone help me out please? thanks in advance =)

I've just installed IE 7 and i can't use the "Manage Add-ons" option from the tools menu bar, why?!nintendo ds browser

Windows Internet Explorer 7 Toolbar: =

I've just installed IE 7 and i can't use the "Manage Add-ons" option from the tools menu bar, why?!windows 98 internet explorer

Do you see your tools menu on the top of your browser? If not Right click a empty part of the browser and click the menu. You should now see the tools menu, Click manage addons from there!

IE no longer works on my computer for some reason. I can only use FireFox and I'm not too crazy

Two days ago IE just stopped working. This is what appears when I open IE window:

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

You are not connected to the Internet.

The website is encountering problems.

There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:

Check your Internet connection. Try visiting another website to make sure you are connected.

Retype the address.

Go back to the previous page.

More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

Internet connectivity has been lost.

The website is temporarily unavailable.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.

If this is an HTTPS (secure) address, click tools, click Internet Options, click Advanced, and check to be sure the SSL and TLS protocols are enabled under the security section.

I don't care for Firefox. Any suggestions?

IE no longer works on my computer for some reason. I can only use FireFox and I'm not too crazy about it.?microsoft templates

You might try to give yourself a chance with Firefox. I actually use it because it's safer than IE (less prone to hacker attacks, viruses, etc.) and more flexible (it's got add-ons that'll enhance your web experience.)

However, if you must use IE, then you can check the connections tab in the Internet Options and make sure that you haven't accidentally turned on/off a proxy server that you may need (if you're at work, or behind a firewall.)

You might also update your virus definitions to make sure that your IE options haven't been compromised by a virus (again, Firefox is better in the case of viruses.)

Barring that, if the problem just began, you could do a system restore if you're using XP or Vista. That could restore your options to the correct settings.

Best wishes!

IE no longer works on my computer for some reason. I can only use FireFox and I'm not too crazy about it.?windows firewall internet explorer

well you'll love it if you get the myspace toolbar..
Un-install IE and re-install it. It's gotten corrupted
That happens quite often with IE. There's really no reason for it %26amp; I don't know if anything can be done about it.

I know you said you didn't like Firefox, but if you just gave it a chance, I'm sure you prefer it over IE. You don't get thrown out of Firefox. It's much better.

Give it a chance!
Try to check your firewall (if you're using one) to see if somehow Internet Explorer has been denied access to the web.
I work in IT. 90% of the time, when Firefox works on a computer that is active on the net, and IE does not, it's because spyware has infected IE. The greatest thing about Firefox is that (at least compared to IE) it is practically bulletproof in getting fouled up by viral sites.

So in short, you probably have a virus or spyware or something. Using firefox/google, download these programs.

- hijackthis

- spybot

- ad-aware (

even before you install those programs go to norton's security scanner (or trend micro's house call) - and run a full system scan. If you get several positive results, you might need something stronger than those programs. But all computers should have those - especially hijackthis.

With hijackthis, you can get a snapshot of most of the areas that IE lets bugs into your machine, and then show them to knowledgable folks in a forum. Or take specific lines from your hijackthis log (or results), and then google them, to find out more about what is going on.

Anyway, that's if you want a clean machine. Then again, even if you get it fixed up, and go to the same kind of sites with IE, you'll probably get the same problems. It's probably better for you to learn to customize firefox so that whatever it is you like better about IE, you can just do it to firefox.

Firefox can do anything IE can do. It can also stop doing whatever it does that makes you dislike it. It's just a matter of add-ons.
Even I cannot do without IE. No compromise with anything else.

Just try to install IE 7, the latest version. I was having such probs, and now it is solved.

Enjoy IE!


IE 7.0: Is It All of What It's Claimed To Be?

to install IE 7.0 should I uninstall previous version IE 6.0?

IE 7.0: Is It All of What It's Claimed To Be?windows xp pro

Keep IE6. Upgrade to IE7. If you dont like it,youcan revert back. I still use IE7 to get updates,thats it. buggy is as buggy does. Just like any Microsoft program, it is a Build or Service Pack, or Modified Enhancement, or whatever they choose to call a Software Code Error this week.

Do not unistall on IE to upgrade to another, unless that is what Microsoft tells you to do.

IE 7.0: Is It All of What It's Claimed To Be?microsoft net framework internet explorer

yep . it is lot of people when trying out .IE7 have problems using IE7 . myself i dont. it is best . if you try IE7 . if not like .then remove.

Ie -firefox-msn whatbetter?

I HAVE IE 7 %26amp;VISTA

Ie -firefox-msn whatbetter?microsoft net

I used IE for 12 years and never going back Firefox is a lot better. If you ever find a website that won't load properly on Firefox you can install IE Tabs.

IE Properties-Programs-CALENDAR info is missing and will not let me input anything. Help??

My computer crashed and I had to reload from my recovery disk. In IE the Calendar info is missing and I keep getting a msg telling me that, but no info on how to fix it.

IE Properties-Programs-CALENDAR info is missing and will not let me input anything. Help??microsoft zune

Are you getting a " Missing .DLL error message when trying to run calendar after Windows XP installation ? This is a possible solution.

- Copy the following files from " M\CALENDAR " to " C\CALENDAR "

(1) - CALRES32.DLL (2) - MFC30.DLL (3) - MFCAN32.DLL

(4) - MFCO30.DLL (5) - MFCUIA32.DLL

Or, failing that, try running " Calendar set-up program" again. If the Calendar still won't open, run the Internet Explorer set-up program again to install missing files. That's all I can come up with. I hope you get your problem resolved.

IE taking forever to load, but mozilla works fine?

ive been having this problem for some time now, and whenever i try to open up IE, it takes around 5 min to load, then it works fine, but still a little laggy, and i guess alot of people have been having the same problem too, after an update. anyways when i load mozilla, it works perfect and i have no problems, but i am concerned if maybe i have a virus on my computer or not. I have spy sweeper and trend micro and cleared all my temp internet files cache, including content.ie5, but IE loads slow, so is it some virus or the program is just being screwy??

IE taking forever to load, but mozilla works fine?microsoft live

You are likely running a bot net trojon,

Spybot S%26amp;D or AVG may help

Take it to a IT guy

IE taking forever to load, but mozilla works fine?microsoft internet explorer internet explorer

You could definitely have a virus. Run a virus scan and spyware scan.

Don't use Internet Explorer. It's pretty slow anyways. All other browsers are better. Try Firefox or Opera.
Open int expl go to options clear cookies and all files go to settings and increase disk space.
maybe a virus is in your IE try running a virus and spyware scans if you removed the virus or spywares, accept my advise, use firefox instead, fire is more secure than any other browsers because the virus or other things you don't want to have in your computer will not install directly when you are just visiting web sites. I hope this help.

Friday, November 27, 2009

IE cannot see my site though code is there. all other browsers can see the site. please help ?

Hello im new to all this malarky so i hope it does

work. so here goes. ;)

hi all im new and here is my situation

i have built a php site and now thats its complete

i cannot see anything when trying with IE browser.

the funny thing is this all other browsers see the site

and there no errors.

another strange but true is in IE browser when i goto

my site a blank white page is all that i see. if i right click

and choose show code, then i see all the code with no errors

is there in a text box.

thanks in advance


IE cannot see my site though code is there. all other browsers can see the site. please help ?microsoft powerpoint

Explorer follows very few web standards. They've been getting better but sadly not good enough. What is really sad is that most programmers program with IE in mind since more users use it. Thus people who have browser that obey the standards get left in the dark. The reason that IE isn't seeing your site is because you did something right, as odd as it may sound. I can't answer your question without knowing what client-side language you are using as PHP is a server-side language and unless you are doing browser redirects shouldn't effect your page too much. It is possible you have a syntax error. Are you using CSS for your design by any chance? Javascripts?

IE cannot see my site though code is there. all other browsers can see the site. please help ?windows xp sp2 internet explorer


Over time IE7 seems to set its own (or programs do) tick boxes in the advance tab.

In IE7 Tools %26gt;Internet Options %26gt;Advance Tab

Click Restore defaults

Tick empty temp files when browser closes (this empties the cache)

Bullet disable phishing filter

Delete Browser History, cookies the whole lot regularly.

Close the browser to set the settings

IE Freezing constantly?

I have a fairly new HP Entertainment laptop. Whenever I am on IE it freezes after 15 mins or so. I have to go into the task manager and close out the IE process and start all over. This has grown to be extremely annoying. I have run spybot and bazzooka and nothing helps. I have symantec and no virus have occured.

Please help!!!

IE Freezing constantly?windows media player 10

Use FireFox as your default browser. IE is a spyware magnet.

IE Freezing constantly?microsoft net internet explorer

First thing you need to do it get rid of Symantec. It is extremely bloated, unreliable and takes up way too many system resources. Get rid of it and get a free virus scanner like AVG that takes up very little memory. Also, go get the 60-day trial version of a program called PrevX1 and scan for spyware. It is a fully functional trial and it will find any spyware you have on your system.
I'll fix your problem in two words:


install firefox and see what happens
Click start %26gt;click run %26gt;type in msconfig click on the startup tab then uncheck everything there except your anti virus and internet connection . Click ok and your computer will restart .

Try another browser like firefox http://securitynewsfromthenet.blogspot.c...

or opera
You should run an update check you probably need an IE upgrade.
Don't bother going to mozilla or firefox, people are creating spyware programs for them and they have no real way of blocking them to this point. Download IE7. It works fine and it a lot more secure than IE6.
The one and only perfect solution:

Get Mozilla Firefox.

Its a lot easier, cleaner, neater, as well as freezes less, has a better pop-up blocker, can be configured more not to mention uses a lot less memory on your computer.
well catilin all you have to do is use a standard heater fan and put it on the left or right hand side of you pc tower and set it

on low or medium heat.. but keep a fair distance of about

6-7 iches so that the heat won't destroy or warp the pc sdie

panel cover... and once a month i reocomend that you clean out yor pc only because dust will make your pc run slower and

if you don't keep the dust off your processor fan will not breath easy thus your computer will process slower than before.
you have more then likely installed a program that is incompatible with vista os. possibly the bazzooka one. it will cause problems like that when intalls are incompatible. in time vista will have more compatible software, make sure that any software that you install has vista capabilities. if not, you will have issues like this..

now to fix your internet explorer problem. if you can pull up the internet explorer tool bar click on tools.. if not, go to the control panel and click on classic view and then internet options. ( at the tools menu click on internet options at the bottom) then go to and delete all cookies and temp. internet files. then go to advance and click on it and scrolll all the way to the bottom of the page, and you will find internet explorer RESET button.. click on it and it will reset internet explorer..

then make sure that your security for virus protection is vista compatible, and up to date. scan.. and also make sure the any spyware that you intall is vista compatible. the vista operating system comes with windows defender in the all programs menu, it will scan your system for spyware.

good luck, hope you get your internet explorer to work again.

( note: if you can not get to any of the options listed above because it keeps freezing on you. go to your task manager and try new task and type in the menu item you need to open. or type it in the search space in start up menu)
There are a few simple steps to this, regardless of which browser you use, but they take a bit of time to do.

1) Make sure your computer is up to date on ALL of the Microsoft updates. This includes all of the critical/security updates, the software updates, and the drivers. If you use Firefox, make sure you have the latest version.

2) When you scan for viruses, if at all possible you should scan while in Safe Mode. To get to Safe Mode, restart the laptop and when it goes to a blank screen immediately start pressing the F8 key very rapidly until you get a menu. From that menu, choose Safe Mode. When Safe Mode starts, you will be advised that you are running in Safe Mode (useless nagging) and asked if you want to do so. Choose Yes, then run your virus and spyware scans.

3) Check to see how many programs you are running at once. More programs running means your computer has more work to do. Look by the clock at the bottom right. The more things you see there, the more work your computer has to do. Close out everything that you can, and if possible prevent it from starting up automatically.
I have run into this with IE7 on XP SP2. After communicating with MS, personally I believe there is a bug in IE 7. Since it was writtend for VISTA, there has to be a hook somewhere that's causing this. I would suspect there will be a patch out over the next few weeks. In the mean time Firefox would be a good interim.

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