Friday, November 20, 2009

IE 7 Icon deleted?

OK well i got mad lol cause my IE kept crashing even after a fresh reformat the IE still crashes (IE7) so i got firefox. Problem is i kept clicking IE from habit so i deleted the icon.

Unfortunatly i like firefox but it doesent work for everything so i want the icon back. It wont come back through normal means such as cuztimize desktop or going through the internet options it must be something special for IE7. Any advice?

IE 7 Icon deleted?ds browser

click on start, all programs, look for internet explorer, right click, send to desktop(shortcut).

IE 7 Icon deleted?microsoft templates internet explorer

you can download and instal IE7 from
Go to one of the Internet Explorer 7 websites and redownload it! It should come with a icon! ONLY DO THIS IF YOU DELTED IE7! hope this works also go to your ALL PROGRAMS andlook for it. if u find it just drag it into your desktop or quick launch bar it should appear and there u go hope this helps!:)

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